Hiking Club
Johannesburg Hiking Club | Reciprocity
The Johannesburg Hiking Club is in the process of setting up reciprocity arrangements with a number of prestigious hiking clubs in South Africa and around the world.
The idea is to allow members of the Johannesburg Hiking Club when travelling locally or internationally, whether on business or for a well-earned break, to experience the hospitality and camraderie to which they’ve grown accustomed to at our club, at our reciprocal clubs.
For more information about reciprocal arrangements with other hiking clubs visit our website for details or, alternatively, please contact The Club’s Administrator for details. admin@jhbhiking.co.za
Meridian Hiking Club was established in 1989 by a group of friends wanting to hike regularly in safety. Since then the Club has grown to a membership of over 300 people, ranging in age from eighteen to eighty. Meridian offers a range of day hikes, weekends away, weekend trails, longer trails and conservation activities. It also organises regular social events such as supper clubs, pub evenings, talks and educational events. The Meridian web site keeps members informed of the latest hikes and events. Members receive by email a Weekly Update informing them of forthcoming hikes, and a monthly Newsletter and Calendar giving a broader perspective. If you are not yet a member, join Cape Town’s friendly hiking club, which is famous for its fun events and relaxed attitude!
Contact Details
e-mail - meridian@meridian.org.za
Website - www.meridian-hiking.org.za/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/5472975993/about/
Membership Card​​
Below is a sample of their membership card. Please remember when a hiker produces this card, they are not required to pay a visitors fee.

Peninsula Ramblers Hiking Club Cape Town

The Peninsula Ramblers Hiking Club is based in Cape Town. The Club have been going for over 70 years. The Club is run by volunteers and would not exist without the support and participation of its members. Our aim is simple: to get out into the fresh air and beauty of our magnificent Cape Mountains – and beyond – as often as possible, while at the same time doing whatever we can to help protect the areas of indigenous fynbos we visit. We lead day hikes on weekends, and also regular longer trails, throughout the year. We lead moderate hikes of three to four hours on Saturdays, and more strenuous and longer hikes of five to six hours or more on Sundays. From time to time, impromptu hikes will be posted on our Facebook page, as well as any changes to the program, and you are invited to connect with us there.
Contact Details
e-mail - info@ramblers.org.za
Website - www.ramblers.org.za
Durban Ramblers Hiking Club

About Us
Since its inception in 1932 Durban Ramblers has been organising guided hiking and walking trips in some of the most beautiful areas of our province. With hikes on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays we offer something to excite everyone from beginners to seasoned hikers. If you would like to experience some of the awe-inspiring and often little known areas of KZN with like-minded enthusiasts, why not join us on one of our hike. It could change your life.
There are three hikes per week designed to cater to the differing needs and aspirations of our members
Sunday Hikes
For the real enthusiast we offer day hikes on Sundays that range from 12Km to 20Km over terrain that varies from well-trodden to wild. Experienced hike leaders will advise on the suitability of their hike for individual members
Saturday Hikes
Hikes on Saturday afternoons cater for hikers at all levels and range from 8Km to 14Km. Starting at 2pm most hikes are completed by 5pm. These hikes are usually held within the greater Durban area to minimise travelling time
Wednesday Hikes
Very popular with retired folk or those working flexi time these hikes are every bit as demanding as the Saturday hikes. Setting out at 9am and finishing around noon the members generally stay on to share a social picnic lunch
Weekends Away
Every quarter at least one long weekend of hiking is arranged at remote resorts that offer a variety of exhilarating and inspiring trails. Invariably sold out it is advisable to book early for these weekend.
Hikes are carefully chosen to expose members not only to the popular trails that abound our fair province but also to new and challenging trails that are constantly being developed by our trail leaders. Members are often astounded at the beauty of these places of which many have neither seen nor heard.
When like-minded folk get together for our common cause there is always much chat and laughter that accompany the group. Friends are made, muscles challenged and lungs gasp the clean air often so scarce in our city. After hikes, groups invariably repair to a local pub to quench a thirst, rest weary limbs and exaggerate their day’s achievement
Contact Details
e-mail - info@durbanramblers.co.za
Website - http://durbanramblers.co.za
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Durban-Ramblers-Hiking-Club/282551611814467
The Benefits to the Johannesburg Hiking Club Members
The benefit to our members would be as follows
With any club with which we have a reciprocity agreement, the member of the Johannesburg Hiking Club would be welcome to attend any of their day hikes, away hikes, and social events and pay for the cost of the hike/event only and not pay any additional fee for being a visitor. When visiting the club all you have to do is produce a valid membership card.
Clubs with which we have established a reciprocity agreement would have a section on their website informing their members and the public that we have an agreement. There would also be a link on the website giving easy access to hiking programmes.
Johannesburg Hiking Club members can go on hikes with a local club that has extensive knowledge of the area being hiked.
The security of being with a group of hikers.
The comradeship of fellow hikers.
The benefit of being able to select and undertake hikes from both their daily and away hikes, when visiting another city.
Midlands Hiking Club

The Midlands Hiking Club is a very friendly club for lovers of nature & the great outdoors & has over 130 members from all over the Natal Midlands. The club caters for all levels of hiking fitness, from day hikes which are generally undertaken on Sundays to strenuous 3/4-day backing expeditions. Day hikes in local areas are usually not more than 1 hour from Pietermaritzburg.
Weekend outings include camping, mainly in the Drakensberg Mountains or at the coast with hikes each day from the campsite followed by social braais in the evening. Hikes from well-equipped Berg Cottages are also included.
Other weekends are spent backpacking & over-nighting in caves in the heart of the mountains. Trails of 4 to 6 days are undertaken a few times each year & include many of South Africa's most beautiful & popular trails.
Competent & experienced members, who have the appreciation & preservation of our beautiful country at heart, lead activities.
Social evenings are held every two months, starting at 7-30 p.m. & often include snacks, interesting slide presentations or other entertaining functions – dates for the socials are included in the fixture lists.
Contact Details
e-mail - midlandshikingclub@gmail.com
Website - www.gohiking.co.za www.gohiking.co.za
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MidlandsHikingClub

The Trails Club of South Africa (TCSA), was established in March 1983 is a Cape Town based Hiking Club.
Since the Club's inception, it has grown from strength to strength.
The Hiking Club offers a wide variety of hikes and trails for Members and Visitors.
The club offers:
Saturday Afternoon Hikes (and special outings)
Sunday Hikes (usually a full day)
Week End Away Hikes (two to four days)
Longer Trails (as far as Drakensberg and Namibia)
Socials (as a special occasion or on weekends away)
Aims & Objectives
To organise and carry out wilderness activities for members and visitors. The chief activity will be hiking along trails and footpaths, climbing peaks and 'kloofing'. This will be supplemented by such other complementary activities as the Committee may from time to time deem to be suitable.
To promote conservation, both by word and deed, of our natural (indigenous) and historical environment, which will include the protection of indigenous flora, fauna, soil, water and buildings of historical significance, especially those in wilderness areas.
To communicate with and support similar organisations such as The Mountain Club of South Africa, Wildlife Society, Botanical Society, Department of Environmental Affairs and so on.
To promote the fitness and health of members through their participation in the Club's outdoor activities.
To promote friendship and fellowship among members of the Club and others with an interest in wilderness and especially hiking activities.
To act in a responsible fashion in the wilderness with an emphasis on safety of members, and to respect the land and property of the landowners on whose ground we hike.
Contact Details
e-mail - trails.club.sa@gmail
Website - www.trailsclub.co.za